Substack Ghost Notes: Here's How To Get Yours
They're almost like AI except a human is writing them for you.
It’s no secret that Notes are the holy grail of growth here in Substackistan (thanks for that one, 😂).
But have you heard of Ghost Notes yet?
They’re basically haunted notes because they write themselves, meaning…you don’t have to write them but they still come from YOUR mind. Creepy right?
Here’s the real scoop on Ghost Notes:
I’m writing them for you. Ghost Notes are a real (and brand new) service I’m introducing to Substackers.
Why am I offering this? Because:
Everyone asks me for advice on how to grow on Substack.
Most of you look forlorn when you hear the answer is to create even MORE content in addition to your newsletter! Because ultimately, that’s what Notes are…more original content you have to pluck from your brain when you’d rather just write.
You might not have the time to invest in a whole Note-writing college education (yes, Note classes exist here on Substack).
Why would you hire ME as your Ghost Note writer?
For starters, I already work with dozens of you behind the scenes in various ways, including note and headline writing.
Second, the thought of rallying 6000+ likes, 527 restacks, and 700+ new subscribers from A SINGLE note is appealing to you. Except you don’t know how on earth that actually happens. And again, you don’t have time to invest in Notes College.
In case you’re wondering, those are real numbers from a note I posted. Here it is:
And then we have numbers like these:
That’s enough, I’ll stop now. But every one of those numbers is a link to a note I’ve written that has had its week of fame.
You don’t need to be famous on Substack to have a note go wild.
I can’t stress that enough…you DO NOT have to be a big-wig on Substack to have one of your notes fly off the shelf.
Before that first note example up top, I only had about 600 subscribers. And because of that note, I gained another 700 subs in a 30-day period. I’ve been on the platform for one year now and I have over 5.5K subscribers across three publications. That single note was the catalyst and it skyrocketed from there.
I’m not saying that every note I write goes viral but I will say that Notes is a KEY strategy for growth here and not everyone is interested in writing them or experimenting.
Here’s how Ghost Notes work:
You can purchase them in packs of 7 or 14, which gives you one note for each day of the week (up to two weeks at a time to keep your notes timely and my workload manageable).
I’ll structure your notes based on your content and your tone.
As you may have noticed in my note links above, my specialty is wit/humor but we don’t have to be witty if you don’t prefer it. I can match your vibe (just as I do with headlines I write for other Substackers)
I’ll send your batch of notes via email along with relevant images and links to include (a good mix of media works well on notes).
You’re free to choose which note to post on which day. First-time purchasers will receive a brief Google doc on how to best use Substack Notes to their advantage.
ADDED BONUS: If your content resonates with me I’ll try giving you a boost by restacking a note or two, exposing you to a whole new audience. After all, this is how virality works…we pass it on!
DISCLAIMER: Ghost Note results are never typical nor guaranteed. You still need to be present and engaging on Substack, and we always have to factor in the overlord named ‘Algorithm’. This service just ensures that you don’t have to dream up your own notes!
Ghost Note packages are also available for purchase on my official website along with all my other Substack services.
I hope this idea takes off Kristi! Not everyone enjoys it or wants to do it - or can’t figure it out. Even just seeing you do it can give them ideas for the future. 😊
What a fab idea!