If You're Coaching Via Substack, Here's a FREE Tool To Simplify Your Life
This is an all-in-one solution to manage your coaching business without building a website outside of Substack.
I’ve considered becoming a writing coach in a specific niche for several years now. Although I haven’t taken the plunge just yet (commitment-phobe), I have found the software I’ll be using the minute I get off the fence.
The great thing about sitting on fences for years is that it gives you all the time in the world to research and study every available resource that would make life simpler for coaches.
The simplest and FREE-est one I’ve found is called Paperbell.
There are a million options for operating a coaching business but what I like most about Paperbell is that it’s 100% FREE until you’re up and running and get your first paying client.
This is life-changing for someone like me, who takes years to commit. I can fart around with “getting ready to coach” until I’m 73 and I won’t be paying monthly subscription fees while I’m experimenting.
Paperbell understands the concept of wanting (needing?) to earn money before having to shell it out. You don’t invest a dime before you’ve earned at least a dime.
The reason I think Paperbell is great for Substackers:
For those who have built their homes and audiences right here on Substack, we don’t want to build another website somewhere else and then figure out how to take payments, schedule our client work, send out automatic emails, contracts, digital downloads, etc.
And we certainly don’t want to figure out how to make it all look good!
We just want to engage with and nurture our community right where we are (on Substack) and then have ONE tool that will manage the rest without building fancy websites with gadgets and zaps.
Paperbell IS the website. It’s already built. All you have to do is insert your words and prices. One and done.
Remember a while back when I taught you how to add an external link to your Substack navigation bar?
This would be the perfect use for it.
You quickly and easily set up your Paperbell coaching home and then add a link on your Substack navigation bar that takes people DIRECTLY to a beautiful landing spot where they can book and pay you in one seamless move.
I realize there are a billion options for running a coaching business but it certainly helps when someone explains how one option can work beautifully in tandem with where you already are.
That’s what I’m here for - simple tips in bite-sized chunks.
HAPPY COACHING! And if you already are coaching using different management software, please feel free to tell others about it in the comments! I don’t know everything 😊
Unstack Substack deliveries are meant to be short and sweet, and not clutter up your inbox or your day. 😊
Thank you
Wow, Kristi!
How'd you know?!
This is exactly what I needed, and right when I need it!
I'm gonna vote for you!
(If/when you ever run for anything!) 😘
Ya-ha! 🤪