Good luck finding those clones, and thanks for the tips!

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Lol thanks! When I locate the clone store, I'll be sure to recommend it 😁

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"The reason repurposing is such a great practice is that nobody sees your old content. Nobody is scrolling back to 1863 to see what your first five posts were about and some of it was GREAT content!"

Exactly, Kristi. That's the reason for my "Looking Back" series. With new subscribers every week, it's a great way to introduce them to past posts. I try to find posts from roughly a year previously which have good usable content. Since I started this series in January, I have yet for someone to comment t hat they have already read it! LOL.

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That's fabulous that you regularly do it. I had decided that at the one year mark with my main publication (not this one) I'm also going to do it maybe once a month. It's such a shame to let good content go to waste.

Thanks for sharing your insight on this one!

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Thank you Cork, for this often forgotten but valuable reminder for all writers!

I am on that list - so afraid a reader will recognize a reworked topic and be disappointed!

If a topic is sound, the multiple angles to “rewrite” can be endless!

Writings from 1800s? I didn't realize you knew how old I am. 🤣

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Haha. Same here. I always thought every piece had to be original. Then it dawned on me that I don’t even remember what I’ve written sometimes, so I know others don’t!

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Yes!! This is exactly it! When I go back to posts from 5 years ago on Medium, I had forgotten I even wrote those. Surely nobody else is keeping track.

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Two clones! 😂😂😂

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Imagine the possibilities?

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Best of luck with the house move, and thanks for the tips! 💕

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Thanks Ali, and it's my pleasure!!

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Good luck with that move.

I have been presciently following your recycling advice for old content, as I have about 1000 ancient blog posts and a lot of other material to draw on, much of which is still at least partially relevant. Doing this also gives me an opportunity to discuss the changes since the original post in a way that helps readers make informed decisions about their software upgrades. (I mostly write about tech tools for translation and localization work, and the software experiences a lot of changes that only matter to some users.)

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That's awesome Kevin. It sure helps to recycle doesn’t it? I have several years worth of somewhat relevant content on Medium as well and I'm actively sifting through it to see what's useful all the time.

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Aside from the fact that old stuff can help fill these "new content creation gaps", I find it personally useful to look back and see how much or little things have really changed. Often I find something that doesn't quite match what I "remember".

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And speaking of change, I love pulling up an old piece and seeing how much I've changed. Both personally, and in writing styles.

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Little Caesar’s breadsticks though. 😘

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Right!!!!!! And now they have those little greasy Mac n cheese bites! 🤤

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What?! This is news to me! Damn it, Little Caesar’s, don’t tempt me with a good time! 😋

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Loool it's true! At least here in Canada. Not sure where you're at.

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I’m in the US and I don’t think we have them here. 😩

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Wow that's a first. You guys get everything before we do!!

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We have the pepperoni bites but not the mac and cheese. 😣

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So many silly Depends puns, so little time

How long is it going to take you to pack? Depends

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can say in advance that this will be my favorite comment of the entire day!! And that's saying a lot because it's only 9am!

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This literally may be the best opening paragraph I have ever read! I am obsessed with you packing your belongings in Depends boxes! Also great advice as usual! Good luck with the move!

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🤣🤣 I knew some of you would appreciate that lol!! I couldn't not include it somehow! And thank you. We're having a heatwave here so this move is torturous BUT my new home has AC...a rarity for homes in Canada.

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🤣.. NEVER would have occurred to me!

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Kristi, thanks for always helping me to feel lighter about the whole Substack process. And, for giving such great suggestions. Your VA work is the bomb - do we still say that? Wishing you an easeful move.

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😁😁 We can say whatever we want! We've earned the right.

And the pleasure is all mine, Paulette. Thank you for being a repeat client. It really means a lot to me 😊

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Ha ha - right. I’ll be back I’m sure.

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The opener made me snort laugh! Will you, er, be passing those boxes on to another lucky person who’s moving? Will you feel a desperate need to explain that they’re not actually your boxes?

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LOL!! I'm more concerned with what my movers will think 😂 But I'm sure they've seen all kinds of weird stuff!

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They’ll be overjoyed that no untoward accidents will happen! Good luck with the move.

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Look at you giving us great advice about all sorts of interesting things! Who knew about the Depends boxes?! Wishing you as good a move as it's possible to have😬

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Thanks Donna! I gotta say, it is HELL moving anything in this heatwave 😩 I can't wait to get in there and sleep in the basement lol

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Always repurposing because repurposing is really putting your own perspective, your current perspective on something that someone, very like the young you, had written, but with a new twist.

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I spoke at a conference once in 2018. The next year, they had these pillars near the registration table with images from the previous conference. One was my big giant head speaking. (Kind of terrifying but that's another story.) At the end of the confernce they asked if I wanted to take it home, since the picture detached from the pillar.

I didn't know where to put the picture for several months so it just sat in the corner of my room, just off screen from all my Zoom calls. Thank God for virtual backgrounds.

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Chris, this is hilarious 😂

If I had that, I probably would've put it in my Zoom background on purpose just the get reactions!

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I should have done that! Everyone would secretly think I was a narcissist.

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Please write about your clone-finding journey. I’m interested 😁

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I used to write on medium a year ago, but due to personal problems, I left medium and started substack, now I'm using medium as my second platform,

Previously I used to believe that medium along with its followers are everything but as the time passed my face changed from 😎 to 🤡. But I gradually learnt that those 500 followers are not mine, they are medium's

If medium's gone then those 500 followers are also gone

After my redemption I started substack and I'm seeing that this platform is not like other platforms tbh

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Same here Ansh. I wrote on Medium for 5 years with 6K followers and have now made Substack my main platform. So much better here.

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I actually laughed out loud. It reminded me of people in the casino wearing depends so they can keep playing 🤣 Loved this, and the tips on testimonials!

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Wow, is that really a thing at the casino??

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I think so—for the diehards at least. Addiction makes you do some wild things!

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