Ask Anything Days Are Here!
Brand new for 2025!
We’re rolling out “Ask Me Anything” days on the first Friday of every month.
Each AMA will be a full, day-long event in a dedicated post. Participants can ask questions in the comment section, and I’ll drop in throughout the weekend to address them.
Each AMA post will serve as a standalone resource that subscribers can refer back to again and again. Also….NETWORKING! I can’t think of a better way for you all to network and collaborate.
This is what inspired me to launch AMA days:
Inboxes are a BEAST and my inbox and DMs overfloweth 24/7. I’ve been racking my brain for months trying to figure out how to serve those with questions while respecting my own time, workload, and boundaries.
This is the perfect way!
ASK ANYTHING days are wide open and available to all upgraded community members. We kicked off with a tester AMA day on Friday, December 6th. You can check out the questions that popped up right here:
🔶 Also, just to keep things fun and fresh, you don’t have to limit your questions to Substack 😁 As long as you keep it respectful, feel free to ask me about anything including why on earth I willfully choose to write THREE Substacks. (I don’t think I have an answer for you!) 🔶
See you on January 3rd for the next installment, and don’t forget to make sure you’re on the list!