Welcome To Your Substack Butler Service!

Substack doesn’t have an ‘official’ Butler, however….

…it does have an UNofficial virtual assistant. That would be ME and I’m here to spice things up a little because why not?

Each month I give away a VIP Day to one lucky Substacker and here’s how it works:

Everyone who chooses an ANNUAL paid subscription to this newsletter will be entered into a draw.

At the end of each month, I’ll throw all eligible subscribers into a digital hat and randomly draw the name of one lucky VIP Day winner.

The winner will receive a full VIP day of anything I offer to use however they like. Visit my website to grab ideas and start making a list in case you’re the winner!

What constitutes a VIP Day?

I’m offering a FREE 5-hour work period, scheduled on a day that works for both of us. I’ll close down my calendar to everyone but you for that day.

You can get as many graphics, calls to action, book mockups, etc. as I can pump out, all the backend tweaking your heart desires, or you can even get a 5-hour Zoom chat if you can stand to look at me for that long. 😁

Heck, if you live near me we can even go for a 5-hour working lunch with laptops! Or we can meet at the dog park and talk about the meaning of life on Substack.

Whatever combination of services we can cover in one day is yours.

All names that don’t win each month remain in the hat for future draws, and previous winners will be removed from future draws (to keep things fair).

As a paid subscriber you’ll continue to receive weekly emails with killer Substack tips and plenty of bright ideas.

Sound good? Perfect! Then let’s get Butlering! You can upgrade to the annual subscription RIGHT HERE!

In the meantime, here are a bunch of ways to get your Substack spiffed up before your next newsletter comes out:

Let's Get SPIFFY!